MOSCOW, February 1. /TASS/. Russia’s Ren-TV television channel said on Sunday its journalists have proof evidencing involvement of mercenaries from a number of European Union states in the armed conflict in eastern Ukraine on the side of Ukraine’s army.
According to the Dobrov v Efire programme to be aired on Sunday night, citizens of Sweden, Poland, Great Britain and Italy are fighting on the side of Kiev.
Ren-TV reported visited the above countries and found proof evidencing that companies disguised as security or consulting agencies were sending mercenaries to Ukraine to fight for the Ukrainian army. These people are, as a rule, volunteers professing far-right nationalists ideology.
Leader of the Polish ultra right organization Falanga Bartosz Bekier told Ren-TV that many Polish national were fighting in Ukraine. "Many Poles are fighting on Kiev’s side in this conflict, it’s true. They go to Ukraine to join volunteer corps as private individuals. But Poland’s official authorities will never confirm this fact," he said.
Francesco Falkone, an Italian mercenary, told Ren-TV he was fighting on Kiev’s side to avenge of his grandfather’s death in WWII. He said he had joined Ukrainian nationalists since he shared their views.
"In late August, we were paid about 300 U.S. dollars. For all previous months. Now however they are paying about 200 U.S. dollars a month, like a local policeman," he told the reporters.